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Jigsaw by Partnerships and Places has been selected by Winchester City Council as its Development Partner for the Central Winchester Regeneration. 

The vision is for a sustainable, pedestrian-led quarter with a mix of uses defined by attractive public spaces, reflecting the distinctive character of the city centre. The development will better connect the regeneration site – which includes Kings Walk, the demolished Friarsgate Medical Centre site and the bus station – to the wider city and district. It will bring homes for people of all life stages, which will support local people, their skills and talent in the city whilst attracting new innovators and entrepreneurs.

Over the last few months, and as the design process begins, Jigsaw has been meeting with people living across the district to discuss the evolving proposals. This website will bring you up-to-date with this process and lets you know how you can join in and shape the next chapter of Winchester’s story.

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Winchester Timeline

Stage 1

June 2018

Supplementary Planning Document adopted, following 18 month consultation period.

Stage 2


Consultation on draft development proposals.

Stage 3


Cabinet approvals of proposals and business case to procure a development partner.

Stage 4


Procurement process begins, appointment of Kings Walk architect for short term improvement works.

Stage 5

March 2023

Jigsaw appointed as development partner.

Stage 6

May 2023

Kings Walk improvement works commence.

Stage 7

July 2023

Early Archaeology work begins on bus station site.

Stage 8

Summer 2023

Themed stakeholder workshops.

Stage 9

September – December 2023

Meet and greets and drop-in sessions.

Stage 10

September 2023

Kings Walk Festival and launch event following completion of works.

Stage 11

October 2023

Friarsgate Medical Centre demolition commences.

Stage 12

January – March 2024

Additional engagement with young people and underrepresented groups and half term ‘drop in’ events at different areas across the city.

Stage 13

March 2024

Friarsgate demolition complete and landscaping begins. Bus station archaeological dig complete.

Stage 14

May 2024

Co-creation workshops with key stakeholders to refine thinking established so far.

Stage 15

Late spring / early Summer

Friarsgate landscaping complete and new public space open. Friarsgate archaeology commences.

Stage 16

Autumn 2024

Establish ‘Our Voice, Our Future’ to drive engagement with different age groups and sections of the community. Publication of long-term engagement strategy, as part of “Development Delivery Plan” being submitted to Cabinet. This will provide further detail on the formal planning consultation process.